Nurturing the Indian Marriage

An Indian marriage is a festival in itself. The sound of shehnai accompanied by firecrackers and dazzling lights make the wedding venue seem more like a fair than a ceremony. Hundreds of men, women and children deck up in their most exuberant costumes and flaunt themselves just as much as the Indian bride does. Generally, the marriage ceremony is a three to a four-day affair and an opportune time for the family adults to get together in some friendly gossip.

However, behind this seemingly joyous mood, hides a series of dark and disturbing realities. Marriages are no longer as sanctimonious as before and much of the Indian “sanskar” can become claustrophobic to the newlyweds of the 21st century India.
Here’s a list of forget-not for the soon to be groom/bride.

Keep Your Expectations Real
It is good to remember that you are getting married to a human who is bound to have basic human-flaws and human-vulnerabilities. It takes time to get used to living with a person and give the due time. Keep your expectations from your partner real and hope for the best.

Don’t pretend to be Who You Are Not
Try to be as genuine as possible in your marriage – even if it means being mean or exposing your wild side. The foundation of a healthy marriage is strong communication and it is important that you communicate your true self to your partner. Make sure that you are giving the right vibe.

Understand your new family
This is important for both the Indian bride and the Indian groom. Marriage is part of Indian life and your in-laws are going to become an integral part of your lives. It will be easier to understand your partner if you understand their parents. Utilize every opportunity to understand them better. This helps in the long run. 

Patience is the Key
An Indian marriage vow promises no less than seven-births of togetherness. If you are looking to invest this present life with your married partner, it is best if you develop the golden trait named patience. It will get difficult. It will get confusing. It will even hurt at times. However, remember your wedding vows and power on with patience. 

Importance of Space
Space is perhaps the most important aspect of an Indian marriage. Unless there is enough space given to each partner’s likes and wants, the marriage becomes a contract. To keep things real and to help love grow, it is important to give each other enough room to breathe. This can mean lone time or it can also mean vacations with college friends or colleagues. This little time apart helps a long way. 

Vacations are Musts
In present-day Indian marriages, vacationing is the key to holding a couple together. Most of the week is spent in office and commute. Hence, it becomes mandatory to take time off and travel together. It need not be a foreign country necessarily. India is a beautiful country and there are several places to explore together. Vacations give you the extra special time to communicate. Which is the key to any successful relationship?

The Indian marriage ceremony and customs have been evolving over the last 5000 years and so have the Indian bride and the Indian groom. The girl is no longer shut behind doors and the boy is no longer the only person needing satisfaction from the relationship. It is important that you discuss everything under the sun with your partner. This will help make your bond stronger and your marriage last a lifetime!
